The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-09-2015.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-09-2015.

Post by asbibby »

:D A full team of electrical volunteers turned out today, Sunday consisting of Jonathan, John, Clive, Len and myself, Len and Jonathan went off first after a swift brew to test the fire alarm call points in the Trackside and Bury Bolton Street Station concourse.
Their findings were recorded in the appropriate log books.

It was then decided to carry on dismantling the last two lamp head units from platform 3/4 from BBS, these were stripped and cleaned ready for reassembling & rewiring with replacement LED tubes.

John carried on repairing the plastic light covers from the lamp heads with fibre glass resin and filler compound, these were later rubbed down and finally the covers were cleaned up using wet and dry sandpaper.

Led tubes and new wiring were installed in another two Ex. Nuneaton lamp heads and rubber sealing strip glued using contact adhesive purchased from the nearby Screwfix depot.

In our workshop the drawers containing all our conduit fittings was reorganized in some sort of order, we can now see what we have in stock.

Lunch was taken and the remnants of last weeks Birthday cakes were demolished along with more tea. 8)

Next week we will carry on with the rewiring and fitting of LED tubes in the remaining three lamp heads from platform 3/4.

The workshop was given a final clean and sweep before calling it a day, back next week. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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