The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-06-2017.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-06-2017.

Post by asbibby »

8) On Sunday i was joined by Len, John & Jonathan after a quick brew in our workshop we recovered the six lamp heads which we had stripped down last Sunday. One of the lamp heads required some welding as over the years the dreaded rust bug had attacked some of the steel work. :shock:

I took the aforementioned down to the Bury Standard Four Group shed to ask if they could weld it up, after rubbing down to clean metal the frame of the lamp head was welded up to make it as good as new. :D

The remaining lamp heads were all rubbed down and treated with a rust inhibitor ready for re-painting, lunch was then taken whilst the rust inhibitor was allowed to dry. :P

It was then decided to just paint the undersides of the lamp heads with white paint leaving the painting of the rest of the lamp heads to be painted black next week, when the rust inhibitor will be thoroughly dry. :roll:

All six lamp heads were then stored safely away ready for painting next week. :)

We then visited the BS4G workshop again, to try to locate the Smith's speedo regulator which had been fitted to 80097 a few months ago and as now gone missing.
If anyone knows the location of the missing item please let us know, it may have been taken off and stored whilst the bracket which it is bolted was painted.
With this in mind we then carried on to Baron Street Locomotive Works to see if we could find Graham Thornton to ask if he knew of a spare regulator and wiring connections as they are the same Smiths speedo fitted to DMU's and large diesel engines.
Graham came up trumps and gave us a complete regulator with the correct screw wiring connectors, thanks also to one of the DMU volunteers for helping us to separate the speedo generator from the regulator, it took a bit of strength and a very large spanner to shift the metal connector.
The unit will be stripped, cleaned, tested and then painted in an appropriate colour ready for fitting to our BR Standard 4 80097. :D

Len had brought in a Mr Kiplins cherry sponge cake for us to sample, it was cut into four pieces and washed down with a final brew, Nice. :P

Back next week for some more shenanigans from the electrical volunteers department. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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