The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 19-06-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 19-06-2022.

Post by asbibby »

Today on the last day of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway centenary celebrations, i was joined by Clive, Jonathan and John, first task was to do the fire alarm call point checks on Bury Bolton Street Station. everything worked OK and the results were logged. :D

Clive had brought in some touchup paint, to paint the totem station sign from Heywood Station.

We all had a brew and a bacon barm before starting work, during this time a member of staff from Bury Transport asked us if we could put a switch in the circuit of a light in the air raid shelter in the museum. Armed with some tools, a switch and a back box we made our way over to the museum, on investigation it was decided to replace the existing bulb holder and all the wiring.
The new switch and back box were fitted all wired up and tested OK. :)

Lunch was then taken back in our workshop with chocolate rolls supplied by Sue and scream cake supplied by John. 8)

The wood we had found to form new backing for the totem signs at Heywood Station was cut to size using an electric bench saw which had been put outside our workshop door, it saved us a lot of work, as we would have had to saw all the wood backing pieces using a hand saw. :D

New brackets were fitted to the wood backing plates and then i put them into my car for treatment with wood preservative at home so they will be ready for fitting next Sunday. :wink:

We had a final brew and some more cakes before packing up and watching the L & Y freight train demonstrations which were enjoyed by everyone watching, back next week for more illuminating stories. :idea:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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