Electrical volunteer turned Steward Saturday 15/08/2020.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

Electrical volunteer turned Steward Saturday 15/08/2020.

Post by asbibby »

:D Yesterday i volunteered to be a steward on the steam train from Bury Bolton Street Station to Rawtenstall for the day, Tracey our General Manager gave us all a briefing at 09:30 hours on our roles for the day.
This consisted of escorting the passengers to their allocated seats on the carriage and taking contact details of the lead person, all the carriages are now one way with the entrances at the Heywood end and the exits at the Rawtenstall end.
The engine today hauling our four carriages was the newly commissioned Lancashire & Yorkshire railway 0 - 6- 0 tank engine and a sterling job it did all day, thanks to the engine men for a great job done.
The engine carried a wreath on it's smokebox in commemoration of the two railwaymen and one passenger who lost their lives in the railway accident in Stonehaven, Scotland earlier this week.

On arrival at Rawtenstall Station after all the passengers had disembarked the tables and door handles were all thoroughly disinfected and cleaned ready for our passengers to board again.
At each stop we checked to see if any new passengers boarded and if so escorted them to a safe seating area and took their name and contact number.

Our return to Bury Bolton Street Station it was about lunch time so after cleaning down all the tables and door handles again we took a well deserved lunch break in the early afternoon sunshine on platform three/four.

The second trip after lunch was the busiest of the day with the carriage that i was stewarding on, at it's maximum capacity with forty passengers instead of the usual non Covid 19 eighty passengers.

On the third return train journey we were treated to an ice cream and chocolate lolly from our General Manager, Tracey, much appreciated, on arrival at Bury Bolton Street Station the tables were cleaned again along with all the door handles, windows shut and all rubbish removed.

I enjoyed the day and volunteered to do the same next Saturday, come and join us, like they say many hands make light work.
All the passengers had a great time and may many more return to our railway as word gets around that we are open for business once again.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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