The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 27-05-2018.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 27-05-2018.

Post by asbibby »

:D A glorious day on Sunday for the 1940's holiday weekend, Len was playing his banjo with his George Formby colleagues in Bury Transport Museum. This left Clive, Jonathan, John and myself to carry on with electrical work. :shock:

Clive the egg man managed to dispose of all the eggs and could have shifted double the amount, Clive is going to have a word with some of the hens to ask them to lay a few more. :?

We all met up in our workshop for a brew before deciding what we were going to do, we could not start the lighting in the Bury Standard 4 Group shed because the boiler was still in the workshop on the weltrol wagon. :roll:

We decided to make a start on PAT testing the multitude of power tools belonging to the maintenance group, Jonathan set up the PAT tester on a bench in the shade and proceeded to test in total thirty eight electrical tools ranging from stick welders, drills, sanders etc. Jonathan stuck with testing all the 240v items first, the 110v electrical tools will be tested at a later date. :)

A number of power tools failed due to unshrouded plugs and damaged cables, these had new leads and plugs fitted by the team then tested again. :idea:

Lunch was had outside the workshop listening to the live music on platform three/four, entertaining the crowd outside the Trackside pub. :D

We received a report that the time clock controlling the platform lights at Bury Bolton Street Station was out of kilter so we investigated and sorted the problem, the time clock is now set to GMT. 8)

Clive and John then repaired an industrial mains socket outlet from the cafe carriage, it had been damaged by vandals at Heywood Station previously.

We had a final brew and a piece of sponge cake provided by John again. 8)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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