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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 19-07-2015.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:41 pm
by asbibby
8) A full team of electrical volunteers were out and about on Sunday, Jonathan, John, Len, Clive and myself.

Jonathan came in on Saturday to do some fault finding on a water boiler followed by a swift repair and PAT testing.
Our computer database was also updated by Jonathan with all the PAT testing results which we have been involved with over the past few weeks.

After a swift brew and some chocolate marshmallows brought in by Clive, Jonathan and Len went off to do the fire alarm call points in the Trackside & Bury Bolton Street concourse, everything was satisfactory and they recorded their findings.

We all helped with the cleanup around the undercroft and on platform two after the raising the roof four had taken place over the weekend. :roll:

I went down to the carriage and wagon shed to drop off four more carriage plug leads for the new dining coach which is being refurbished at present, i had a chat with Keith who is doing all the woodwork in the coach, an epic task. :shock:

We then split int two teams one team cleaned, rubbed down and dried off six of the newly fabricated canopy light fittings which are for the canopy on platform two.
Some undercoat paint was located and the bare metal light fittings were painted on the inside first and then allowed to dry whilst we had our lunch break. :P

The other team repaired with filler and rubbed down with wet & dry sandpaper the three ex. Nuneaton lamp heads which we had previously repaired with fibreglass matting on the inside of the lamp heads.
Next week they will be given another two coats of black paint as when we started the refurbishment of the lamp heads they were in a very rusty state. :shock:

After our lunch the six new canopy light were given a coat of undercoat on the outsides and left to dry in the sunshine.

The workshop was given a good clean out, then we relaxed with a brew and some chocolate rolls, Aldi specials, washed down with another brew.

That was it for another week in the ELR Electrical Department, back next week. :)