The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-06-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-06-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) Today the team consisted of Clive, Jonathan, John, Dave and myself, we had a brew and a breakfast barm before starting work.

It was decided to try to tidy up our workshop and stores, so Clive, Jonathan and John got cracking on sorting out a multitude of electrical items given to us as we were having our brew this morning, this carried on with our own spares which had become obsolete. :shock:

I had brought in some electrical devices to see if we could resurrect them, more work needed along with a search for some circuit diagrams. :)

Three bin loads of used and obsolete components were disposed of, along with cardboard boxes for recycling. :o

Nigel from BS4G brought to us a 110v angle grinder and a 240v drill to repair, myself and dave got to grips with the repairs, the angle grinder was fitted with a new yellow flex and tested OK for Jonathan to PAT test. 8)
Dave meanwhile stripped the drill down and discovered a broken connection on one of the brushes, this was soldered up, the drill re-assembled and hey presto the drill was working, this again was passed to Jonathan tp PAT test. :P

Lunch was then taken in the glorious sunshine outside of our workshop along with another brew and cakes provided by Sue and John, Y.Y. P.B.

A report we received last week that a D type light fitting in the Gents toilet on platform 3/4 was flickering on and off, a new D type light was installed, job done. :idea:

We then investigated the clock tower and two light fittings at Bury Bolton Street Station, a new time clock was installed and set to the correct time.
The two lamps were then assessed to try to ascertain how the bulbs could be changed, this will be tackled in two weeks time utilising our mobile tower scaffold. :o

We had a final brew and demolished the last of the cakes, we shall be back next week with more illuminating tales.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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