The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 27-11-2022.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 27-11-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:) Just three of us in today, John, Jonathan and myself, we started off with a brew and a breakfast barm cake, the station was buzzing with people enjoying the start of the Santa Specials.

The weather forecast for the day was that it would stay dry, to everyone's relief.

It was brought to our attention that one of the six foot fluorescent tubes in the Santa present carriage was flashing then switching off, a new tube was fitted and all seems to be OK. :idea:

A problem with the Christmas lights on the platform at Ramsbottom Station was reported to us, the problem apparently was that the circuit breaker controlling the Christmas lights would not re-set. :shock:

The Santa train was boarded along with our tool bag, unfortunately for us the Santa train sailed straight through Ramsbottom Station and our our way back only five minutes before the train left so we managed to have a quick word with the Station Master to say we would be back later in the day. :(

Lunch was had back in our workshop at Bury Bolton Street Station along with a brew and a custard cream. :shock:

After lunch we boarded my car and drove up to Ramsbottom Station to see if we could sort out the problem with the Christmas lights.
On arrival we disconnected the two sockets providing power to the lights and tried to reset the circuit breaker in the consumer unit, the circuit breaker would not reset so it looks like a faulty circuit breaker which will have to be replaced.

It was then back to our workshop for a final brew before leaving for home, we shall be back next week. :D
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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