The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-10-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-10-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today the electrical volunteers were, Jonathan, John, Colin, Sophie and myself, Clive was feeling unwell so did not turn up. :roll:

First task of the day after a brew and a breakfast barm was the fire alarm call point tests at Bury Bolton Street Station, all worked OK and the result recorded.
We noticed and were told that the square clock in the booking hall was stopped, we investigated and concluded that it is a regulator problem, we shall have to wait for the return of Clive to fix the problem. :P

Clive had purchased some six foot LED tubes for the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop, so we collected some tools and two fluorescent fittings which had been cut down the previous week to six foot to enable us to use the new LED tubes.
These were fitted above the machinery in the workshop and replaced the old eight foot fittings. :idea:

It was brought to our attention that the corn LED bulb above the ladies toilet on platform 2 at BBS was flashing on and off, this was replaced with a spare corn bulb.
Another problem was that one of the ladies toilets on platform 2 had no light, this again proved to be a faulty LED fitting, a new one was sourced and fitted OK.

We had one final brew and finished off some parkin cake provided by Sue Sue, back next week for more illuminating stories, not me i shall be in the Azores!
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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