The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 03-07-2022.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 03-07-2022.

Post by asbibby »

Just three of us in today, John, Jonathan and myself, we had a brew and a barm from the kitchen, whilst John went to the shop for a small bottle of milk for our brews.
Clive attended a Radio Club Meeting on Ashurst Beacon near Wigan, Colin and Sophie where having a Family Barbecue at home. :D

First task was to test the fire alarm call point at the bottom of the stairs on platform three at Bury Bolton Street Station, all was OK and Jonathan recorded the result.

We then set about scraping the rust off the three Heywood Station totem signs which we had taken down last week to be refurbished.
The rust spots were then painted with rust inhibitor and left to dry; they will be touched up next week and maybe re-fitted at Heywood Station. :P

Last Sunday we had been asked to see if we could find out what was wrong with the light, which was attached to one of the lathes in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop.
On examination it was found that the 28 volt bulb was OK and on further examination the bulb holder was also faulty.
The lamp unit was covered in grease and filth accumulated over many years so it was decided to remove the entire lighting unit and take it back to our workshop for cleaning and a complete strip down.
After removing the light fitting and checking to see if there was now some volts, hey presto we now have voltage. :)

Lunch was then taken with a brew and French Fancies cake supplied by Sue Sue. :D

A small container was found and the laborious process of cleaning the light fitting with white spirits and a stiff paint brush.
The reason the light fitting was not working was because all the wet grunge had shorted out the 28 volt supply
John was busy trying to find and fit a new plastic bulb holder to replace the faulty brass bulb holder.
The toggle switch on the fitting was also found to be faulty and will be replaced next week.
The final task was to re-assemble the flexible light fitting and install a new cable in the unit, it will be wired up next week and with a bit of luck reunited with the lathe. 8)

We had a final brew and another French Fancie and called it a day, back next week for more enlightening yarns.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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