The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 03-04-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 03-04-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:D A full team in again today on another fine day, John, Jonathan, Colin, Sophie, Clive and myself.

We started off with a brew and a breakfast sandwich from the staff canteen before starting work.

Taped to our workshop door was a request to fix a light in the paint store, which turned out to be a duff four foot fluorescent tube, a new tube and starter were fitted and tested. :idea:

Next task was to test the concourse fire alarm call point system, this was completed and the results logged.

The next job was to see if we could solve the problem on a machine in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop, we had studied the diagrams from last week, to see if we could sort it out.
We came to the conclusion that the correct relay was working but the machine table would still not work because it appeared that the machine requires oil and that the lack of oil was not operating a relay that would move the table up and down.
The toggle switch also appears to be very worn as we strapped out one of the relays to do with the oil pressure we managed to get the table to move up and down, but with a lot of movement in the switch.
A new switch would be nice if we can find one, the temporary strap was removed and a report left for Nigel. :)

Lunch was then taken in our workshop with another brew and Mr. Kipling apple tarts supplied by Sue.

It was reported to us that the north facing station clock on platform three/four was not aligned correctly, we shall sort this out next Sunday when we hope to have our mobile tower scaffold back.
The clock will be serviced at the same time.

John had brought his sander to sand down the wooden case of a clock given to us some time ago, the metal surround of the clock was also sanded down to get rid of years of rust, before being painted.

Last job to do was to replace another corn bulb under the canopy on platform two.

A final brew was had before packing all our gear away and calling it a day. 8)

Back next Sunday for more enlightening stories.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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