The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 30-05-2021.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 30-05-2021.

Post by asbibby »

:D Three of us in today on this the hottest day of the year so far, Jonathan, Colin and myself, after a swift brew Jonathan & Colin repaired then PAT tested a 240 volt to 110 volt transformer which belongs to Diesel Dave of the Bury Standard 4 Group.
The transformer was taken up to the BS4G workshop but no one was there so it will be delivered later.

Myself and Colin straightened out and cleaned a couple of five foot fluorescent fitting which had been recovered from a skip a few weeks ago, we stripped all the fittings from them, ballast and starter then rewired them to have 240 volts at one end only.
A new five foot LED tube was then fitted and tested satisfactory. 8)

We had been asked to investigate the fitting of a new two kilowatt heater in the Station mess room on platform 3/4 at Bury Bolton Street Station, we sussed the position of the heater and were to pick up the power for the heater, we will return to this task once a heater as been procured. :shock:

Whilst in the mess room we changed and cleaned a single five foot fluorescent for a LED tube the other fluorescent fitting was a double six foot fitting, which we cleaned up only because we could not find any six foot LED tubes in the workshop. :x

Lunch was then taken outside of our workshop with a brew, it was then decided to catch the train to Summerseat Station with a double set of ladders to replace a lamp post globe and LED light which had been vandalised a long time ago.
A replacement globe had been unearthed a few weeks ago in our workshop, whilst at Summerseat we came across the gardner who told us he had found the globe sometime ago on the opposite side of the Station and it was undamaged. Colin arranged it's return to our stock. :)
The A4 Union of South Africa took us all back to BBS and after storing away the ladders we had one final brew before calling it a day. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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