The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-04-2019.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-04-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:) Just the four of us in today, Clive, Jonathan, Len and myself, after a swift brew Len and Jonathan went off to do the usual fire alarm call point tests on the BBS concourse and the Trackside pub.
All worked satisfactorily and the results were logged. 8)

We received a report that the three phase welder in the Bury Standard 4 Group was not working, we gathered up some tools and went to investigate, on arrival the machine was plugged into the three phase plug and the welder started up.
Either someone else had rectified the fault or the machine must have been frightened into working by our presence. :lol:

The next task was to carry on with the PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) in The Bury Transport Museum, we collected some tools, the PAT tester printer and some spare connectors and made our way to the museum.

Clive wired new connectors on a couple of the information display units and then they were PAT tested by Jonathan.

Lunch was then taken back in our workshop in Bury Bury Bolton Street Station, after lunch it was back to the museum to carry on PAT testing this time in the education room and the kitchen.
All the appliances passed the tests and new labels were affixed to the appliances. :D

It was then back to our workshop for a brew and a cream cake each provided to us by Sue. :)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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