The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 4-9-2011.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 4-9-2011.

Post by asbibby »

A full team turned out today, Len John, Jonathan, Clive and myself, first job as usual was to test out the fire alarm call points in BBS station and The Trackside pub/cafe, Len and Jonathan completed this task and recorded their findings in the log book.

No heat shrink tubing was available for us to further the Santa carriage, so we took our tools and worked on the private LMS Stove/brake parked outside the Carriage & Wagon shed. We came across Simon the full time electrician who let us into the Electrical store to recover our coloured heat shrink tubing and heat gun, red, yellow and blue heat shrink was used on the RCH plug wiring were the insulation was frayed on the south end of the LMS Stove/Brake. New covers were screwed onto the north end, we then turned our attention to the south end were new wooden pattress's were cut to size and painted, these were left inside the Stove/Brake for the owner to fit them onto the south end along with the RCH terminal blocks.
We will then rewire the RCH wiring once the pattress's and terminals have been fitted.

We then made our way back to our workshop for lunch and a brew.

Clive,John and Len caught the train to Summerseat to check out how we are going to connect up some wiring from the electrical cubicle to the signalling location cabinet, to enable the remote operation of the platform lights.
The men returned with good information and a few photographs, this job will be finished with liason with Graham from the Telecoms Dept.

Jonathan had noticed that three of the Bury North tunnel lights were not working, we informed the signaller that we were investigating the tunnel lights.
The three light fittings proved difficult to dismantle as the acidic smoke from the steam locomotives plays havoc with the screw fittings, making them impossible to unscrew.
We abandoned the job after failing to undo any of the fittings and decided to fit new light fittings which we located in our workshop, these were stripped down and fitted with new bayonet light fittings.
The replacement light fittings are superior to the ones we are replacing as the original ones are plastic and the replacement ones are aluminium with glass covers. These will be installed in the coming weeks.

That was it for another full day for the electrical volunteers, I am on holiday for the next two weeks so with a bit of luck someone else will do the reports.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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