The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 12-6-2011.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 12-6-2011.

Post by asbibby »

A lovely start to the day with bright sunshine which soon disintegrated into a dismal wet Sunday round about 11:00, but not to be put off a full compliment of volunteers turned up Len, John, Clive Jonathan and myself.

Len and Jonathan went off to test out the fire alarm call points as usual at BBS and The Trackside and recorded their findings.

Whilst the carriage stock was in platform two we checked out the condition of the carriage plug/leads, we fitted some self amalgamating tape on some of the leads to prevent water ingress and found that one of the plugs had an incorrectly fitted copper pin, this plug/lead was changed before the train left the station.

Meanwhile we collected up the parts required to carry on with work on the carriage plug replacement program down at the carriage and wagon shed.
Clive stayed behind in the workshop manufacturing aluminium brackets to mount the Ray Butcher clock eventually in Baron Street works.
The faulty plug/lead was fixed by Clive as well as checking out some of the other recovered plug/leads for insulation resistance.

Len, Jonathan, John and myself made our way down to the carriage and wagon shed, we changed four carriage plugs and a wooden patress which was rotten on one of the carriages outside of the C & W shed, refurbished terminal covers and screws were also fitted on this carriage.
Inside the C & W shed we changed the carriage plugs and leads on another two carriages.
Refurbished covers and screws were fitted on these carriages also.

We then made our way back to our workshop for some lunch.

We had recovered eight aluminium terminal covers which we brought back to our worshop some of these were stripped and cleaned before taking them back to the C & W to be fitted on the carriages we had been working on prior to lunch.

The rain was coming down quite heavily now so we headed off back to our workshop for a brew and a warm before calling it a day, one last job to do when we found out that the guards office was open was to have a look at the double florescent light fitting in the guards office which had been reported as being faulty, one half of the fitting was faulty but the other half was found to be working OK.
When it fails in it's entirety we will replace the fitting.

That was it for another exciting day if somewhat wet day what ever happened to Summer!
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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