The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-04-2024

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-04-2024

Post by asbibby »

:D Today i was joined by, Clive, Jonathan, John, Dave B, Dave S, Stephen and Peter, we had a brew before starting work.

Dave B had purchased some electrical fittings which we needed to install some new lighting in the beer cellar at Bury Bolton Street Station, this job was completed by installing plastic conduit which the new electrical cable would be pulled through.
A new LED floodlight was installed at the rear of the cellar, ready for wiring up. 8)

Clive was busy modifying the blue button crossing equipment to protect the buttons from water ingress, they were all tested to ensure everything worked OK.

Lunch was taken in our workshop after which some round lights which we had located in our workshop were examined to find out why they would not work. :idea:

After lunch the new wiring in the cellar was connected up and the lights tested, the cellar was then cleared of loads of debris ready for the beer barrels for the Trackside. pub.. :)

We had a final brew in our workshop with some of Mr Kiplings finest and some lemon slices provided by John, back next Sunday for more electrical works, probably in the Bury Standard 5 Group shed.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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