The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 07-04-2024

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 07-04-2024

Post by asbibby »

:D Today the team consisted of Jonathan, Dave S, John, Clive, Colin, Sophie, Stephen and myself, we had a brew and a breakfast barm before collecting our tools and catching the 10:00 train to Rawtenstall Station to complete the wiring and installation of Clive's electronics that will allow three way switching of the platform lights. :idea:

Clive during the week had repaired one of the blue crossing buttons used on the barrow crossing at Bury Bolton Street Station.
Water had got into the unit and corroded the battery contacts, it was re-installed and then tested out OK. :D

On arrival we tested out the wiring to prove continuity and changing the back panel of a switch in the Buffers bar. to a DP in the booking hall.
The switch in the Rawtenstall signal box was changed from the run back timer to a standard on off switch and the platform lights tested to ensure all the switches turned the lights on and off. :shock:
The platform lights can now be switched on and off from Buffers Bar, the booking office and Rawtenstall West signal box. :wink:

Lunch was then taken in the newly restored buffet coach at Rawtenstall, before catching the train back to Bury Bolton Street Station. :)

Another brew was quaffed along with some Maderia cake supplied by John. 8)

Colin reported that a fluorescent light was not working in the volunteers mess room, some step ladders were sourced and a new tube was fitted.

We shall be back next week with more illuminating statistics. :lol:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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