The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-03-2024

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-03-2024

Post by asbibby »

:D A big day today on a very dull wet day, we were introduced to our new Head of Department, Barry in the FXP building at Bury Bolton Street Station by our General Manager Lee Kenny.

Today the volunteers consisted of Jonathan, John, Colin, Dave B, Dave S, Peter, Stephen and myself, we had a brew and a breakfast barm in our workshop, prior to the meeting starting. :D

The fire alarm call points were checked out and the test result logged. :P

We met at 10:00 in the FXP room where Barry gave a resume of his experience in the electrical industry, then we all in turn gave a resume of our own electrical experiences. :)

After the meeting we showed Barry where the electricity distribution boards where located throughout Bury Bolton Street Station along with a tour of our workshop,

Dave B had brought in a new Danger 415v sign for the new electricity 3 phase box at Rawtenstall Station, so we hopped on the train after some lunch in the workshop and installed the sign on the front of the box.
The cafe buffet carriage will be towed up to Rawtenstall this week and reconnected to the 3 phase supply ready for the steam gala on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. :)

We shall be back next Sunday for more illuminating tales from the Sunday Electrical Volunteers. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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