The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-12-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-12-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) Today i was joined by, Jonathan, Peter, David S and Dave B after a brew and a breakfast barm we were contacted by numerous people asking for help with various electrical problems. :idea:

Jonathan PAT tested some electrical tools after the PAT printer has now been returned to us.

First job was to check out the lights in the shop in the booking hall at Bury Bolton Street Station, on investigation three of a bank of six switches are failing and will need to be replaced, these replacements will be purchased for next Sunday.
A failed five foot fluorescent tube was replaced with an LED tube.
Whilst working in the electrical distribution room the five foot fluorescent was not working, a new starter was fitted in the fitting, problem solved. :shock:

The lights in carriages one and two were checked after a report yesterday that the lights kept going on and off, the light switches required checking.
We could not find a problem the switches worked OK switching the lights on and off. :o

Lunch was then taken in our workshop, pie and peas very nice with a warming brew.

The general manager asked us to check out the stairway lights in Bury Transport Museum that lead to the education suite, a total of five D type fluorescent tubes were changed another two fittings require further work which will be tackled at a later date. :idea:

We than packed up our tools, laid away the ladders we had borrowed from the museum and made our way back to our workshop and signed off for the day.

I shall be back in the New Year after a cruising break, Jonathan and Dave will be in next Sunday.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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