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The Sunday electrical volunteers' report 3/12/2023

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:26 pm
by marflow
Jonathan, Collin, Sophie, Peter, Jack, myself today, a very very cold morning.
After the usual cup of tea and a bacon bap, we headed off to Heywood. The car park lights had been reported as out when the railway was open during hours of darkness. Even though the platform lights were on. And they're the same circuit. Turns out that ALL the LED bulbs were blown. They overheat and fall out of their sockets or just melt. They just don't hack it. The circuitry has had to be altered to use them and we're not authorised to change them back. Nor will our ladders or scaffolding reach. Needs a cherry picker. There should be a bit of light from the platform lamps just above the fence. At least we put the time clock to GMT.
We were going to go and do some jobs at RWT but were told the station itself was closed. Instead, we repaired the festoon of Christmas lights that had been taken down at Ramsbottom for filming. They'd put them back up afterwards, bless them, but they then tripped the circuit. Reason: some of the coloured bulbs were smashed. Strange - as they're plastic. All sorted and stowed for 2024.
Then a brew and home for a warm.