The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 01-10-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 01-10-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today on Thomas the Tank day i was joined by Clive, Jonathan, John, Dave and David, the weather was forecast to be cloudy with light showers.

We all had a brew and a breakfast barm before deciding what to do for the rest of the day.

Clive was in early to solder a broken wire from the audible device in the blue button receiver box, a step ladder was obtained to install the blue button receiver in the Station Masters office, all four of the blue buttons were tested to ensure the receiver worked OK. :idea:

Harry from the Bury Standard 4 Group shop called in our workshop and gave us some electrical low voltage plug in units to test. :P

We then boarded our train up to Rawtenstall Station hauled by the newly overhauled City of Wells locomotive to install some set screws on the Station lamp heads and to check some wiring controlling the platform lights at Rawtenstall Station. :idea:

Lunch was then taken in the Cafe with a nice brew, it was then back to our base at BBS hauled by the same engine which brought us to Rawtenstall.

The tested electrical units from BS4G shop were given back to Harry. :)

That was it for another week in the ELR Electrical Dept.
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Re: The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 01-10-2023.

Post by marflow »

Alan forgot to mention that we had a 'management' meeting with Lee Kenny in the fxp room concerning who our head of dept is going to be. A successful meeting and I'm sure a new hod will be found.
We also discussed the way we are going to record fire alarm and emergency lighting scheduled testing.
I think we were all happy with the outcome.
Deep in the very heart of Somewhere
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