The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-09-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-09-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) Todays team consisted of David E, Stephen, John, David S, albeit Davis S was a bit late, sleepy following F1 and myself, first task was to have a brew and a breakfast barm.

The weather was behaving itself so it was decided to load up all the gear to install the refurbished lamp heads at Rawtenstall Station, all loaded up we caught the 10:05 train to Rawtenstall. :D
On arrival all the gear was offloaded and we began the installation of the five lamp heads, once completed we had some lunch and a brew in the Station Cafe. :shock:

It was then back to Bury Bolton Street Station to test out the modified blue button barrow crossing system which had been modified during the week in Clive's workshop.
All the four buttons were tested and after some learning of the devices and a telephone chat with Clive all four buttons worked satisfactory.
The aerial wire needs sorting and a wire from the audible sounder needs re-soldering onto the circuit board. 8)
This will be completed next week and then tested again before installation in the Station Masters office at BBS.

We had one final brew and a slice of lemon cake supplied by John, yum yum PB.

Back next week for more illuminating stories from under the stairs at BBS. 8)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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