The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-09-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-09-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) Today at the end of a glorious week of sunny weather i was joined by John, Jonathan, Clive, Colin and Sophie, after a swift brew and a breakfast barm, we amended the power supply on the blue button call system, which is used for the barrow crossing at Bury Bolton Street Station.
This was tested out to ensure all four call point buttons worked OK. :D
The unit was then PAT tested by Jonathan.

The six lamp heads from Rawtenstall Station were recovered from storage and the white undersides rubbed down ready for painting.
One of the lamp heads required a bit of work on some retaining screws which were fixed by applying some epoxy resin to the nuts holding the retain screws. :idea:

The fire alarm call point tests were completed and logged, it was the turn of the shop call point.

The undersides of six lamp heads were then painted white by Colin and Sophie, next week the rest of the metalwork will be painted black. :)

Lunch was then take in glorious sunshine outside of our workshop. :lol:

The lamp heads were drying in the warmth and once dry they were put back into storage ready for final painting next week.

A final brew was had with some of Mr. Kiplings finest cherry pies provided by Sue. :P

Back next week for more electrifying stories. :idea:
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Re: The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-09-2023.

Post by marflow »

Yes, a nice day.
On driving in to BBS I was pleased to note Simon had replaced the errant west clock face in the clock tower. It was at long last showing the correct time.
Snag. The other 3 faces are now showing the wrong time!
The blue button system for the barrow xing. Alan has slightly oversimplified the situation. As soon as we learned the 4th button onto the system, one of the other 3 would drop off! No explanation.
Back to the paper work. Reset the memory. Then relearn all 4 buttons to the receiver. Finally got the mess working. If it fails again, I'll rebuild using Chinese receivers instead of the present Lloytron ones made in Leigh. (The Chinese get it right!!). Cost of changing? Less than a fiver!

I also recommended that the emergency lighting at BBS be tested in accordance with the requirements of British Standards for emergency lighting. Which state that 'emergency lighting should be tested AT LEAST monthly and that a full duration test (AT LEAST 3 hours) be done annually'. We can't do this as Simon Riley has insisted on us sticking to a list of tasks muted at a previous meeting, that he considers exclusive.

We also discussed our up-coming meeting with senior ELLRCo management regarding the future role of us Sunday Electrical Volunteers.
Deep in the very heart of Somewhere
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