The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-05-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-05-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D today we welcomed Dave a new member of the ELR electrical volunteer team along with Stephen, Jonathan, John, Clive, Colin, Sophie and myself, this was a record number of volunteers on one day. :D

We had been informed yesterday that the radial arm drill in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop would only work in reverse mode.
Before starting work on this the war weekend in glorious sunshine, we settled down for a brew and a breakfast bun from the ELR kitchen.

We gathered up our tools and test equipment and made our way to the BS4G workshop, the machine was located and proved the fault was indeed only reverse direction of the drill bit worked. :)
The contacts on both sides of the switch mechanism where cleaned and tested, it was then found that one of the solenoids controlling the forward direction of the drill bit was open circuit.
A mod was conducted to enable the machine to work correctly and the operators of the machine informed of our fix. :idea:

Three new LED light fittings which had been purchased previously were fitted above the machines in the workshop, two of them were fitted instead of tho bulkhead light fittings giving a much better illumination whilst working on the machines. :P

Lunch was taken outside of our workshop along with a brew and cake supplied by Clive and Sue.

It was decided then to take the train up to Ramsbottom Station to have a look at reported fault with an alarm system, this was investigated and a reed switch requires changing after a temporary fix. :roll:

It was then back to BBS to unload all our kit and retire for the day, we shall be back next Sunday.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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