The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-12-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-12-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:( Just me in today, it was a nice sunny day albeit a bit chilly, the Santa Specials were very busy, a quick brew was had along with a mince pie.

A water boiler was brought to the workshop to see if it could be repaired, i stripped it down and could see that water was leaking into the electrics at the bottom of the boiler causing it to blow a fuse. :x

I made my way to the Standard 4 Group workshop to pick up and modify ready for LED conversion two six foot fluorescent fittings, these were brought back to our workshop to be modified.
They were then returned to the BS4G workshop for fitting next week.

Lunch was then taken in our workshop. :roll:

Colin joined me after lunch and we investigated further the water boiler, it was found that the element base was not level and water was passing through the rubber gasket. A new element will be sourced and fitted at a later date.

We then investigated the Christmas lights on platform two and reset the timer on the lights. :shock:

A brew and a couple of chocolate cup cakes was woofed down courtesy of Sue, Sue. 8)

Back next week for more enlightening moments.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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