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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 4-9-2022

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:41 pm
by marflow
A busy day ahead. After a hasty brew and a bacon/egg/sausage barm, Colin, Sophie and I went upstairs to reconnect the square clock in the booking hall. It had only lasted a few weeks. I had got myself a new soldering iron. Absolute rubbish. Hence a couple of bad joints. All sorted now and the sqock is going happily again.
Jonathan did the usual fire alarm tests.
Then off to Sst. To put up the refurbished lamp heads and take the remaining 4 or maybe 5 down for Jonathan's magic paint brush. We also tried to get into the electrical cabinet to test. Lock totally inoperable. Colin Alan Jack went back on the train. Jonathan, Steve, myself stayed to smash our way in. With Dave the gardener's help, we got in. The tests went fine. Wiring in lamp #1 needed attention. It's different to the others as it has the solar cell hidden in it. Jonathan is going to do a laminated diagram for it. Solar Cell and timer both working. Timer kept on GMT by the way! Took the lock back with us. On return, had lunch. I repaired the lock. Absolutely full; I mean Full; of crunchy looking beetles and things. Had to be scraped out. Then lock bathed in wd45. Straightened after our vandalism. Dave the Garden said he'd redo the door casement for the Sst electrical cabinet so we can refit the lock next week. Jonathan did some pat work.
Then at 4, Alan and myself went to BTM for the volunteer awards ceremony. Us two, 20 years. Time progresses always forwards. Len didn't come. He's a 30 yearer. Hope he's ok.
Nice, brief do. Nice grub. Got to meet our not so new chairman, Richard.
See you next week