The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-07-2022.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-07-2022.

Post by asbibby »

A full team in today, Sophie, Colin, John, Jonathan, Clive and myself, we had a brew and a muffin each from the ELR kitchen before starting work.

The weather forecast was for a heat wave and so it turned out to be, a beautiful day with blue skies and warm sunshine. :D

First task was to test the fire alarm call point at the top of the stairs on platform two at Bury Bolton Street Station, all was OK and Jonathan recorded the result.

We then set to touching up the three Heywood Station totem signs which we had painted with rust preventative last Sunday.
They were touched up and then left to dry; they will be re-fitted at Heywood Station next Sunday. 8)

The light that was attached to one of the lathes in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop was re-assembled with spare parts supplied by John, a new bulb holder and a new toggle switch.
The unit was bench tested before taking it down to the BS4G workshop to be installed and tested OK. :)

Clive, John, Sophie, and Colin went to investigate a problem with the newly installed square clock in the booking hall at BBS.
The control unit was taken down and investigated outside of our workshop.
The problem was isolated to the microprocessor; Clive will effect a repair in his workshop at home. :P

Lunch was then taken outside of our workshop with a brew and cakes supplied by Sue Sue MMMmmm.

It was noticed that one of the light fittings on the over-bridge at BBS was not illuminated so we went to investigate, it was found that a recently fitted LED tube had failed a new LED tube was fitted. :idea:

We had a final brew and more cakes before calling it a day; barbecues were calling from a distance. :D

The volunteers will be back next Sunday with more illuminating stories. :idea:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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