The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 06-02-2022.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 06-02-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:) To finish off the refurbishment of the emergency lighting at Bury Bolton Street Station overbridge and staircases we had a full team in today, Jonathan, Colin, Clive, John and myself, this would be the last Sunday before the railway opens for business next week. :o

A swift brew was had with a chocolate muffin before starting work.
Keith from the Bury Standard 4 Group came to see us and reported that a light was giving trouble in their shop, the light was working OK when we got there. :?
We took some aluminium welding sticks up to the BS4G workshop and the frame of our mobile tower scaffold to have some welding done on it, Dave from the group asked us if we would have a look at a magnetic based drill which was not working correctly. Dave used trolley to bring this heavy drill to our workshop for us to sort out later.

The weather was very changeable today, with rain, sunshine, sleet on and off throughout the day, after a brew we started installing the refurbished lighting units on the staircase leading to platforms three and four, we managed to change three units. They were then modified and had the batteries changed before being re-installing and tested to ensure the emergency LED strips illuminated when the mains was turned off. :idea:

Lunch was taken, after which we carried on with the staircase to platform two lighting units, we managed to take down and modify the top unit and the middle unit which was accessible using the mobile tower scaffold. The units were modified by Clive then re-fitted and tested. 8)

The final lighting unit at the bottom of the staircase leading to platform two is a bit more difficult to get to as there is no flat surface just steps for us to erect the scaffold.
These steps will have to be packed using wooden sleeper bits to enable us to utilise the scaffold safely. :roll:

Clive stripped the drill down which Dave had brought in and found that two potentiometers require changing, these will be sourced and repaired next week. :shock:

A final brew was had with a Bakewell Tart that John had brought last week, we shall be back next week with more electrifying thoughts. :lol:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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