The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 19-09-2021.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 19-09-2021.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today we had a full compliment of electrical volunteers, Len, John, Jonathan, Clive, Colin and myself, we had a brew first before Jonathan and Len went off to do the fire alarm call point checks at Bury Bolton Street Station.
All worked satisfactory and the results were recorded in the log book. 8)

Some of the lights outside the Bury Transport Museum have been permanently lit now for some time , a failure in the photocell equipment was suspected. We managed to source a big extension ladder and proceeded over to the museum with some tools and replacement light bulbs, the first lamp nearest the garage at the rear of the museum had the fuse in the wrong way, so that was soon sorted.
The third lamp down was a dud LED lamp which was replaced, we then replaced the photocell which made no difference the lights were still lit.
Keys to the office where the electrical room is inside the transport museum could not been found anywhere so this job will have to wait until we can obtain the keys. :(

Lunch was then taken outside our workshop in the glorious sunshine which turned out much better than the weather forecast predicted. 8)
Colin had brought in a tremendous Marks & Sparks, Colin the Caterpillar chocolate cake, for us all to sample, Mmmmm very nice. :)

Jonathan then PAT tested a model railway controller for the Bury Standard 4 Group shop.

Colin and myself then found some nylon rope to tie back a Fuchsia bush which was taking over platform two at BBS. :oops:

The final job was to replace some more batteries in the emergency lights on the overbridge at BBS, we managed to replace another two units. On testing to see if the emergency lights would work we used a fishtail key to turn off the live to the units, only two of the emergency lights worked, the ones with standard fluorescents tubes fitted.
The light fittings which had LED tubes fitted did not work, so it appears that we will have to swap out the LED tubes for fluorescent tubes to get all the emergency lights to work. :oops:

One final brew was then had with some chocolate caramel bars supplied by Sue Sue Mmmmm.

Back next week for more electrical shenanigans. :evil:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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