The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 15-08-2021.

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The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 15-08-2021.

Post by asbibby »

:D Well we had a full team out today, Len, John, Jonathan, Colin, Clive and myself, we had a swift brew before setting to work on todays tasks.

Colin set to painting two light fittings we had taken down from platform 3/4 two weeks ago, they were then put aside to dry, 8)

Our attention was drawn to a fibreglass cover which had blown off on one of the lamp post lights on platform 2, it was rubbed down and epoxy resin applied to a couple of broken sections, once repaired we got the mobile tower scaffold out and replaced the cover.
On testing the light it became apparent that the fuse had blown due to water ingress on the open light unit, the fuse was replaced, then success. :idea:
The reason it had become detached was that the tie wraps had deteriorated over the years, it was decided to use single core insulated copper wire to secure the remaining covers on top of the lights on platform 2. :)

Lunch was then taken and finished off with Mr. Kipling's finest supplied by Sue, Sue.

It was noticed whilst doing a light check on platform 2 that the light on the last lamp post was not lit, the unit was taken down and repaired in our workshop and then reinstalled. :shock:

I had been informed previously that the three phase isolation box controlling the radial arm drill in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop was broken. This was investigated after isolating the power, it turned out to be the copper knife contactor's which were embedded in a plastic moulding could not make contact because the plastic moulding was broken in half.
A new one will try to be obtained. :o

A final brew was had with a piece of sponge cake provided by John, back next week for more enlightening work. :idea:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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