The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 08-12-2019.

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The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 08-12-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:D It was a cold winters day on the Santa Specials today, the team today consisted of Len back from being a bit under the weather, Jonathan, John, Clive and myself.
A brew was partaken of first in our workshop, to try to thaw us all out, it had been reported that the internal lights in one of the Santa packing coaches where not working. The fault was traced to a circuit breaker which had tripped out when somebody had probably switched on an electric heater in the coach, the supply is only meant to provide internal lighting. :idea:

Clive had purchased a new relay to replace the burnt out relay in the heating control panel in the mess room at Tate Towers, so Clive set off for Tate Towers, Baron Street in his car with Jonathan and John to assist the repair and replacement of the relay and numerous burnt out wires in the control panel. 8)

Len and myself stayed behind in our workshop in case of any electrical emergencies, it had been reported that the large Christmas tree outside the station building had blown over.
On inspection the tree had been propped up and wedged against the canopy, so the decorations were rearranged back on the tree, the tree base requires stabilising with a weightier mass to keep it upright. :o

Clive, Jonathan and John returned from the mess room at Tate Towers with the news that the heating was back on in the mess room, after their repairs on the control panel, the steam crews will be happy now that heat has been restored. :D

Lunch was then taken with a brew and M & S chocolate eclairs provided by Sue. :roll:

We then made up a final mains lead for the staff in Bury Transport Museum, the other two leads we made last week.

Back next week for more illuminating tales from the ELR Electrical Department, let's hope the weather gets a bit warmer. 8)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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