The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 21-07-2019.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 21-07-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:) Four electrical volunteers turned up today, Len, Clive, Jonathan and myself Alan, we had a great Saturday evening out at the annual ELR barbecue outside of the Bury Transport Museum, a good time was had by all, entertained by The Middleton Brass Band and some decent locally brewed ale :D

First task of the day was to test out the fire alarm test points inThe Trackside and the Bury Bolton Street Station concourse, all worked OK and the results were logged.
Then followed our first brew of the day with last weeks biscuits which were very tasty. 8)

It was decided to carry on with the replacement of worn out lighting in the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop, some second hand double five foot fittings were uncovered from our stock of used parts, the units modified and tested before selecting some tools and making our way down to the workshop.
We fitted one replacement lighting unit using the mobile tower scaffold before making our way back to our workshop for some lunch and a brew. :)

After lunch we fitted two another two replacement lighting unit after which we aligned the units up by altering the length of the chains to ensure they were all the same length and level. :roll:

It was then back to our workshop for a final brew and a biscuit the cake Len brought will be consumed next week. :?

We shall be back next week to carry on with the task of renovating and replacing obsolete lighting units in the workshop. 8)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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