The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-06-2019.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-06-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:D A full team electrical volunteers in today, Colin, Len, Jonathan, Clive and myself, Alan. 8)
Jonathan and Len went off to do the usual fire alarm call point testing in BBS concourse and the Trackside pub, all worked satisfactorily and the results logged. :)

We had a visit from a member of the station staff to inform us that all the power was off in Tate Towers down at Baron Street works. On arrival all the lights and sockets were off and the emergency lighting was on, the electrical supply to Tate Towers was found to have tripped in Baron Street, this was reset and all was back to normal.

After a swift brew and the weather being kind to us, at least it was not pouring down we recovered from storage the seven lamp heads we had taken down from Summerseat station last weekend. 8)

The workbench was taken outside and we stripped down all the lamp heads down to their component parts, and made a start on de-rusting them then cleaning them down with white spirits.

After lunch four of us caught the 13:00 hours train to Summerseat Station to attack the ant infested lamp post which we had found last Sunday. A suitable amount of bleach was poured down inside the lamp post and then all the electrical components were dusted down with ant powder, that should sort the blighters out.
The lamp head was then removed and taken back to our workshop. :D

It was then back to rubbing down and cleaning the rest of the lamp heads ready for painting next week

All was tidied up and the tools put away before we had a final brew with some snow balls provided by Sue Sue. :D .

It was nice to see BR Standard 4 80080 out again after repairs. :D

More goings on next week in the Electrical Department of the ELR.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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