The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-05-2018.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-05-2018.

Post by asbibby »

:) Today the electrical volunteers consisted off myself, Jonathan, John and Len, Clive the egg man was at a radio club meeting on top of Ashurst Beacon, outside of Wigan. What no eggs?

We tested out the fire alarm call points in the Trackside and Bury Bolton Street Concourse and logged the results. :D

Simon and Louis the full time ELR electricians had a chat with use re. PAT testing, we need access to the locked storage to enable us to do the testing. :P

The next task was to locate the fault on the final lamp head unit on platform three/four, we proved power was getting to the fuse point, but the light was not illuminated.
It was discovered that the fuse holder was not in the best of condition so this was disconnected and a replacement fuse carrier fitted. 8)

Lunch was then taken in the workshop with ASDA's best cream/jam cake provided by John.

The lamp head was taken down and taken to our workshop to find out what the problem was with the unit, after removing the bulb holder and testing for continuity, it was found that the bulb holder side contact had been flattened and when the bulb was screwed in there was no neutral getting through.
This was resolved by bending the contact into the correct position, the power was connected and hey presto the LED bulb lit up. :idea:

The unit was reinstalled back on top of the lamp post on platform 3/4 and tested to ensure it was illuminated once we had covered the photo-cell and altered the time clock. :D

An industrial 240v extension lead was PAT tested for use in the carriage and wagon workshop and recorded onto our computer database.

A final brew was had before John & Len headed off home.

Jonathan and myself then went up to the Bury Standard 4 Group shed to check on the materials needed and what work needs to be done to replace some lighting and reposition some other light units. This work will be started next Sunday with a bit of luck. :shock:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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