The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 29-10-2017.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 29-10-2017.

Post by asbibby »

:D All five electrical volunteers turned up today on a lovely Sunday with blue skies and plenty sunshine, after a swift brew John, Clive, Len & Jonathan boarded the train up to Ramsbottom Station to install the box of electronics which Clive had assembled and tested at home last week.
This electronic box of tricks is now powering the old mechanical clock which is on the wall of the booking office, the electronics are similar to the electronics powering the clocks on platform 3/4 at Bury Bolton Street Station and the clock at Rawtenstall. We still have another clock to install in the Trackside pub or the museum when a decision is made on were it is going to be installed. 8)

Clive had a look at one of the blue call crossing buttons at BBS which was not working, it turned out to be a loose battery connection, now working OK. :P

Clive had purchased a new switch for a water heater from the Bury Standard four group workshop, this was fitted and tested OK before being taken back to their workshop.
Another water heater we had lent to the group was leaking water from the on/off tap, a new one will be purchased from the manufacturers Swan, before being returned to stock. :)

I gave the workshop a good clean out whilst waiting for the rest of the gang to return from Ramsbottom. 8)

Lunch was then taken washed down with another brew in our workshop.

An electrical heater was stripped down and a new thermal cutout device will be purchased after the existing one was found to be open circuit. :shock:

The final job for today was to make up five earthing leads for the five new lamp posts which have been erected on platform two, the sides were drilled and cleaned to provide a good earth then the earth leads were wired up.
Three of the lamp posts have light fittings on them so these were wired up as well, the other two lamp post require some work at the top of the posts to remove parts of old light fittings, before having new lamp heads fitted.
All five lamps have been fitted with fuses and they now need the main cable connecting to the electrical box on the side of the Trackside, a job for Simon the ELR electrician. :idea:

Next week it will be the start of erecting the Christmas lights at Ramsbottom, Rawtenstall, Bury & Heywood Stations, lets hope the weather holds out, with a bit of luck it will be Rammy first.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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