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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 8-12-2013.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:24 am
by asbibby
:D Just Jonathan, myself and Clive in today, Len was pat & mick and no word from John, probably gone shopping with his trouble and strife, but at least the weather was being kind to us.

We had been asked if we could reinstate the Christmas lights on the wooden poles alongside platform two at Bury Bolton Street Station, the lights had been utilised at Rawtenstall when the Santa trains had started to travel to Rawtenstall.
Two lengths of lights were made up from some lights given to us by Bob Johnson a couple of years ago, the two lengths were jointed together, insulated and wrapped with self amalgamating tape.
On laying out the lights now that they had been joined together they reached the entire length of the platform, new 10w lamps were then fitted along with the different coloured light covers.

Lunch was taken in our workshop with a welcoming brew before commencing erecting the lights on the poles.

The string of lights were then strung along the top of the wooden poles along platform two and then to the side of The Bury Standard Four Sales Shop, where we connected up the lights to the control unit fastened to the wall.
The red button on the control unit was pressed and hey presto on came the lights, the bulbs were checked out and eight of the new 10w bulbs needed replacing.
A time clock in the control unit switches the lights off automatically at around 18:30 hours, when the lights are required the red button on the control unit as to be pressed to turn the lights on. 8)

Jonathan and myself then went up to Tate Towers to check on a D type fitting which was not working, we took a spare small D type tube with us bit the fitting was a four pin fitting not a two pin fitting which was our only spare, a new four pin will have to be ordered.

Clive was busy repairing one of the steps on the tall step ladders we had borrowed to erect the lights on platform two.

We we got back from Tate Towers we decided to do a stock check on our spare lights and bulbs in our workshop we updated the database and made out a list of spares we require Simon to order.

That was it for another week. :roll: