The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 17-11-2013.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 17-11-2013.

Post by asbibby »

:D I was joined by Simon, Jonathan, Len, John and Len, Len and myself caught the first train out to Heywood Station as we wanted to reinforce one of the fastenings on the Christmas lights we erected last Sunday.
On returning to Bury Bolton Street Jonathan and John were waiting for us with the mobile tower scaffold and the two strings of Christmas lights for Ramsbottom Station.
John and Jonathan had previously tested out the fire alarm call points in The Trackside and BBS, all worked satisfactory and the results were logged.

We were lucky with the weather again it being dry when we arrived at Ramsbottom, we unloaded all our equipment, erected the scaffold and set to installing the first string of lights starting at the Bury end.
The tree branches required a bit of trimming as we fastened the lights to the station lamp posts, on plugging the lights in and switching the lights on using the new rotary switch which as been fitted for the purpose, we replaced about fifteen light bulbs before running out of spare bulbs. Simon has ordered some more spare bulbs but they have not arrived yet, they will have to be fitted later.

Lunch was then taken on the platform the weather being quite pleasant, before carrying on installing the second string of Christmas lights underneath the station canopy. On doing a lamp check about twenty bulbs require replacing, again this will have to wait till the spare bulbs arrive.
We then dismantled the scaffold and loaded all our gear back on to the train to take us back to BBS and our workshop for a brew, sadly no one had brought any cakes in for us to wash down with our tea.

Back next Sunday to install the last set of lights at Rawtenstall Station. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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