The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 15-9-2013.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 15-9-2013.

Post by asbibby »

:roll: Well the weather forecast for Sunday was not very good and so it turned out to be, i was joined by Simon, Clive, Jonathan, John and Len. Simon had to go up to Rawtenstall to see to some central heating problem, Jonathan and Len went off to do the usual fire alarm call point checks at BBS and The Trackside.
We had received a report that one of the call points in the disabled toilet was loose on the wall, this was fixed by Clive and John.
The log book in The Trackside as gone walkabout so the findings could not be recorded, anyone who may know were it is please get in touch with us.

Len, Jonathan and myself gathered up some tools and went across to the Bury Transport Museum where we were told our mobile tower scaffold was, i had ordered two new wheels for the scaffold from Youngman the supplier a couple of weeks ago, these were fitted to replace two worn out ones.

I started work on the Halloween Cauldron project aka XT Mike, we had tried an extractor fan in the bottom of the cauldron last week and the updraught does not appear to be strong enough. It was thought that a large hole cut in the bottom of the cauldron would have to be cut out to enable a more powerful fan to blow a sufficient amount of air out of the cauldron.
I have a large fan at home which we use on the odd occasion in Summer when it is hot, i will bring it in next week to see if it will work better than the extractor fan we have at present.
John and myself drew a large hole in the bottom of the cauldron, then drilled small holes all round the perimeter, followed up by using larger drills until we had enough holes to use a small chisel and hammer to cut out the remaining metal. We then filed down the rough edges before fitting some plastic covering over the exposed metal edges.
Three metal legs were then constructed using electrical conduit, we threaded the ends of the conduit, then used collars and bushes to fix the legs to the bottom of the cauldron.
The project continues!!!!!!!

Clive suggested we work under the canopy at BBS rerouting the Station clock data cable after the recent rewiring of the Station, the clock was turned off and the cable disconnected and rerouted, a temporary fix was also done on the back-light of the Station clock to enable it to be illuminated when the Station lights are switched on.
Once the scaffold is returned from the museum we will do a permanent fix on the Station clock back-light.

Lunch was then taken back in our workshop washed down with copious amounts of tea and so called sticky ginger cakes.

It was back to BBS platform three/four again after lunch to reroute a mains supply cable into the Tardis building, this was done to hide the mains cable behind one of the cast iron columns.

Some maintenance was done on parts of the mobile tower scaffold before taking the parts back to the museum, two new clips will have to be sourced for the stabiliser legs as we found out they were the incorrect ones fitted.

That was it for another Sunday in the electrical volunteers day. :D
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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