The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 21-04-2024

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 21-04-2024

Post by asbibby »

:D The electrical volunteers today consisted of, Jonathan, Peter, Colin, Sophie, Dave B and myself after a brew and a breakfast barm we tested out the fire alarm call points in Bury Bolton Street Station, all was fine and the result logged.

It was decided then to go to Bury Transport Museum to check out the RHS stairwell lights which we had previously found that some were faulty. :x
We collected some tools and located a ladder from the museum, on examination of the stairwell bulkhead lights four were found to be faulty, two of them being battery backed emergency lights.
The museum staff gave us access to the electricity distribution cabinets which we found were locked up with no keys found. :shock:
A quantity of electrical spares were found in a large cardboard box containing some spare bulbs, bulkhead light fittings and a large quantity of 12v batteries, we took them all back to our workshop.

We where approached to check out the failed lights in the beer cellar under the arches, this will be sorted in the next couple of weeks, once we have ordered some spares. :idea:

Lunch was then taken in the workshop with a brew.

The bulkhead spares we had found in the museum were used to repair two of the stairwell bulkhead lights, another two smaller light fittings were repaired and then tested. 8)

A final brew and we all made our way home to watch the FA cup on the telly, boy were United lucky!

Back next Sunday for more electrical shenanigans.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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