The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 14-04-2024

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 14-04-2024

Post by asbibby »

Today the electrical volunteers consisted of Stephen, Peter, Jonathan and myself, we had a brew and a breakfast barm before deciding what jobs to do.

Colin during the week had done some work on the Standard 4 Group engine’s speedo and requested we take the generator, off the engine it supplies the energy to operate the speedo head.
We made our way up to Baron Street shed to take off the generator this was done with a very large ring spanner and a lot of effort. 8)

It was then back to our workshop to clean off a few years of black gungy substances off the generator. :roll:

We had an early lunch and caught the train up to Ramsbottom Station to sort out some lights, which had become loose around a lamppost causing the electrical cable to be straining on the plug socket.
This was sorted out with a couple of tie wraps. :)

On returning to Bury Bolton Street Station we were asked if we could make up a new 240v extension cable, this was done for the Station Master.

We had a final brew before having an early dart, back next Sunday. :)

Taken from Stephen’s Facebook comments on the Sunday electrical going’s on.
Sunday 14/4/24 and out with the Electrical Gang again. I have probably said this before but the interesting part of this job is that we see every part of the railway. The day started at Baron street Locomotive works where a Standard Tank needed attention to it's speedometer. Baron Street is a Hard Hat area these days but we seemed to be the only ones complying with that regulation. Like everything connected with railways the job was heavy and dirty.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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