The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-02-2024

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-02-2024

Post by asbibby »

:D Today i was joined by, Jack, Colin, Peter and Dave, the railway was still shut to the public apart from the usual lunchtime Diner train.

We checked out the electrical outlets on the undersides of the platforms at Bury Bolton Street Station for any loose backboards, none was found. :)

In our workshop we had a few portable electrical appliances which required some attention, a 110v grinder was tested and found to be working, a 240v drill tested OK and a 240v grinder also was tested OK.
A vacuum cleaner was stripped and emptied of water, this will be left to dry out before attempting a repair. :roll:

The two fluorescent light fittings on the slope of platform three were cleaned of all the smoke and soot which had accumulated, all the signs on the slopes were also cleaned including the Railcam camera and the flat crossing LED light fitting. :idea:

Lunch was then had with a brew and some chocolate sticks from China provided by Sue Sue.

We need to order some LED bulbs for the car park lights at Heywood Station.

After lunch we had a clean up in the workshop and made an early dart for home, back next weekend when the East Lancs. Railway is back up and running for the February Diesel Gala. :D

Rawtenstall Station beckons with the taking down of the Christmas lights and the fixing of the electrical cabinet, ready for the Cafe coach to be returned to it's position after refurbishment in the Carriage & Wagon shed. 8)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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