The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 22-10-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 22-10-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) The Sunday electrical volunteers today consisted of Jonathan, Stephen, plus two Dave's and myself, after a brew and a breakfast barm we decided to test the Christmas lights for platform two at BBS Station.
A number of bulbs were changed and after testing a faulty joint was found in the string of lights, the cable was jointed and heat shrink tubing applied over the joint. :idea:
On retesting the lights the string of lights tripped the circuit breaker, so another fault is to be located, this string of lights have caused problems in the past. 8)

The fire alarm call point checks were then done at BBS Station and the results logged.

The Electrical Department mobile tower scaffold is still missing, we checked the Carriage & Wagon shed and Bury Transport Museum to see if it was there, answer no.
If anyone as seen the scaffold we need it returned ASAP, it normally is stored in the beer cellar at BBS, we need it to change some bulbs which are blown and to erect the Christmas lights very soon. :x

Lunch was then taken with a brew and some Wagon Cart biscuits provided by Stephen, Aldi equivalent to Wagon Wheel biscuits. :D

We then wired a new longer mains lead onto an electrical drill it was tested and returned to the Bury Standard 4 Group. 8)

It had been a lovely day with plenty people on platform two enjoying a pint or two in the warm sunshine.

Harry from the BS4G shop paid us a visit and asked us if we could look at a damaged bulkhead light on the walkway at the side of the shop.
A new bulkhead light fitting was sourced and fitted, this task will be finished off next Sunday.

We had one final brew before packing up for the day.

Back next week for more enlightening tales.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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