The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-08-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-08-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today the team consisted of, Colin, Sophie, Jonathan, Steven, Dave from Bolton and Dave from Bury plus myself, we had a breakfast barm and a swift brew before starting work.

The repaired clock tower mechanism was checked in our workshop to ensure it was keeping time, no problem on that score the clock is keeping excellent time. 8)

The refurbished lamp heads from Rawtenstall Station were retrieved from storage and loaded along with our tools and ladder onto the 10:10 train to Rawtenstall Station, on arrival we unloaded all our equipment and started to install all the eight refurbished lamp heads. :)

We had lunch El Fresco in the glorious sunshine with a brew provided by the cafe staff, Thank You. :D

Some of the lamp posts require a bit of fixing as some of the electrical cover plates screws could not be removed so the lamp heads could not be removed, a note was made of the type of removal tool we shall require to remove a couple of the screws, :shock:

Seven lamp heads were removed for refurbishment next Sunday. :idea:

We had a final brew outside of the Cafe before loading all our equipment onto the next train back to Bury Bolton Street Station, on arrival all the lamp heads were put back into storage ready for refurbishment next week.

Back next week for more work on Rawtenstall Station lamp refurbishment project.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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