The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 23-07-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 23-07-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today our team consisted of Clive, Jonathan, David, Steven and myself, first task after a brew and a breakfast barm was to check the fire alarm call points at Bury Bolton Street Station, Jonathan and myself did this task.
The checks proved positive and the results recorded. :)

I had received a report in midweek that the platform lights at Rawtenstall Station were lit all the time, so a visit would have to be done. :P

Clive had been busy at home re-designing the blue call button barrow crossing system at Bury Bolton Street Station, this was to make it easier to hear when someone wanted assistance on the crossing.
Clive made a system that sounds an alarm and flashes some LED lights, this we would erect and test later in the day. :idea:

We tried to contact the Station Master at Rawtenstall to see if the lights were still on but no joy from the internal telephone system, NU tone i.e. number unobtainable.
The 10:10 train was then caught to Rawtenstall Station to see what was going on with the platform lights, on arrival the lights were off and after chatting to the Station Master it was found that one of the three switches controlling the platform lights must have had been left switched on.

Some of the platform lights were going to be removed for re-furbishment but the weather was abysmal, piddling down so we abandoned the task for the second time this month.

Back at BBS and in our workshop for some lunch a brew plus some chocolate cakes by Mr. Kiplings courtesy of Sue Sue. 8)

The equipment provided by Clive for the blue button crossing system was then installed in the Tardis on platform three/four and tested to ensure everything worked OK. :wink:

A final brew was had before departing for home, back next week hopefully to Rawtenstall Station to start the platform light re-furbishment program. who said July was usually sunny?
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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