The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 09-07-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 09-07-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today the electrical volunteers consisted of, Steven, Jonathan, John, David, Colin and myself, the first task was to test the fire alarm call points at Bury Bolton Street Station all was well and the results recorded.

After a brew and a breakfast barm we decided to have a look at the Bury Standard 4 Group milling machine which had developed a problem on one of the control switches,
These machines tools are about fifty years old and have given great service to the group machining parts for our Standard 4 80097 and now parts for our final restoration project the Ivatt Class 2 locomotive.
We tested the machine with Nigel who is one of the qualified machine operators who explained to us the problem with the machine, after investigation we tested the control contacts which appeared to be high resistance so we willl see if we can source some spares contacts for the control switch. :shock:

We then broke for lunch in the brilliant sunshine outside of our workshop, with a brew, biscuits and sponge cakes provided by John and Steven. :idea:

The overbridge emergency lights were checked to ensure all was working OK. :idea:

We had a final brew before packing up all our tools and tidying up our workshop before departing to be in time to watch the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, the Brits came second Noriss and Hamilton third.

Back next week for more electrical forays.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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