The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-06-2023.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-06-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:) On a beautiful Summers day it was the small engines weekend with a guest appearance of Lucy the steam tram engine ex. Brussels tramway, restored by Paul of the North York Moors Railway. :D

The team today consisted of Jonathan, Colin, Sophie, Stephen, John and myself, after a brew and a breakfast barm it was decided to assemble some spares and our toolbox and make our way on the next train up to Ramsbottom Station. :shock:

On arrival we made our way to Ramsbottom signal box to install a new burglar alarm reed switch which had failed previously, the new switch was wired in screwed to the door frame and tested, all worked OK so it was then on to the next job. :D

It was getting very hot and the next item on the list to do was to clean and replace the bulbs and shades on the lamp standards on the foot bridge at Ramsbottom Station.
The globes were cleaned and new bulbs fitted then all the station lights were tested to ensure everything worked, we then caught the train back to Bury Bolton Street Station and some lunch El Fresco. :idea:
Cakes were supplied by Sue, Sue.

After lunch we investigated a fault on a water boiler which had been left for us to fix, this turned out to be a faulty thermostat, a new one will be obtained and fitted at a later date. :)

Some radiators which Colin had obtained were tested for future use..

I shall be away next Sunday, back Sunday 02-07-2023 so attend if you feel like it, contact other electrical volunteers to meet up.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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