The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 30-04-2023.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 30-04-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D The team today on the Thomas the Tank Engine weekend, was Clive, Jonathan, Sophie, Colin and myself, after a swift brew and a chocolate bun we got stuck into repairing the electrical power tools which had been given to us last week.

Clive had brought in some new batteries to fit in the remaining emergency light fitting from the overbridge in Bury Bolton Street Station, this was tested and will be fitted next Sunday. :shock:

We managed to repair one large 110v angle grinder and a smaller 240v angle grinder, another angle grinder and a 240v drill were found to have open circuit field coils.
The repaired power tools were PAT tested before being handed back to the Bury Standard 4 Group. :)

Jonathan and myself went to the Bury Transport Museum to look at a problem which had been reported to us, namely a lift at the back of the museumn which had ceased to work. there appeared no mains to the lift and after some investigation it was decided that it needed reporting. :)

Lunch was then taken in our workshop.

It was reported to us last week that the light switch in the guards office required an additional switch near the new entrance door to the office,
this was completed the tested OK. :idea:

The final task of the day was to test and refurbish a wall heater for the guards office, this will be fitted next Sunday.

One last brew was had with a cherry bakewell tart before packing away all our tools and signing off for the day. :D :D

Back next Sunday for more electrifying moments.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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