The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 23-04-2023.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 23-04-2023.

Post by asbibby »

:D The team today consisted of myself, Jonathan and Stephen, after a brew and a barm we decided to travel to Heywood Station to replace some faulty equipment.

We recovered our mobile tower scaffold and sourced some replacement components, we then caught the train pulled by Ernest the diesel locomotive. :)

On arrival at Heywood we erected the scaffold and replaced two LED bulbs in the Station platform lights, we found out that another two station platform lights were also not working. These will be replaced at a later date once more spares bulbs have been obtained. :idea:

We found that one of the bulbs in the waiting shelter was also blown and three bulbs at the rear of the station building were also blown, at note was made about the type of bulbs required and again these will be fitted when we have obtained spare bulbs.

in the Whistlestop Cafe a double socket was replaced which had faulty switches.

Lunch was had in the waiting shelter before catching the train back to Bury Bolton Street Station and our workshop. :)

Outside our workshop door was a wheelbarrow full of electrical power tools that required some attention, these will be looked at next Sunday.

The mobile tower scaffold was then put into storage, we then had a final brew with a cherry bakewell tart before departing for home.

Back next week for more illuminating stories.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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