The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 06-11-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 06-11-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:D Just three of us in today, Clive, John and myself, Jonathan was recovering from Covid and flu jabs, Colin & Sophie were on a family holiday and Geoff was on a course. :cry:

The clock in the booking hall at BBS was checked for timekeeping and the backlight which requires some some adjustment to a sensor.

I had been informed that some of the platform lights at Heywood Station were not working, we caught the train to Rawtenstall to check on the station clocks and then on to Heywood Station to check on the platform lights.
Four of the lights are out and will require replacement LED bulbs which we will have to ask Simon the ELR electrician to order. :idea:
Some of the car park lights are also not working but we do not have a scaffold tall enough to reach them. 8)
Lunch was taken on the train, then back to our workshop for a brew and cake & biscuits provided by John, Sue and Clive. :D

It was discovered that the string of Christmas lights we had erected last week on platform 2 at BBS Station had come apart at a joint, this was repaired and tested satisfactorily. :)

We had a final brew and cakes before calling it a day as we were all a bit damp due to the persistent drizzle we had endured all day. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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