The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-09-2022.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 11-09-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:D The electrical team today where, Jonathan, John, Stephen, Clive and myself, after a brew and a breakfast barm, we did the usual fire alarm call point tests at Bury Bolton Street Station, all worked OK and the results logged.

We had a report that the various lights in the undercroft were tripping out, this was isolated to a fault on one of the floodlights. :idea:

Next task was to recover from storage the five lamp heads and begin to strip them down to their component parts ready to be sanded down.

Lunch was taken outside our workshop in the warm sunshine, with a brew and some fudge cakes provided by Sue, Sue. :D

Jonathan and Clive investigated two electrical power tools belonging to the Bury Standard 4 Group, a new electrical cord was fitted along with cleaned up brushes. The other power tool was isolated to a fault with the motor after fixing a fault with a switch. :)

The five lamp heads were finished off ready for painting next week.

A final brew was had before packing away all our equipment and heading off home. 8)

Back next week for more illuminating tales.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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